Friday, April 2, 2010

I Have submitted some Programs to understand C#


   // A simple program to explain the structure of a C# program
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Console.WriteLine(" FIRST STEP FOR A C# PROGRAM");

* This is purely Object Oriented approach so everything must me contained in a class.
* Like the header files, here we have namespaces. Here System is a namespace and Console is a class  
   contained in that namespace. Writeline is function to display the output.
* We dont have function like getch() to make the cursor wait at the output screen. Instead of that we can  
   give the statement  Console.ReadLine();
* Again ReadLine() is a function in console class.


Friendship is always kind and patient.It is never jealous.
Rude at the times of bad things.
It does not have fence.
It is always a pleasure.
It is always ready to excuse whatever done, to hope till last breathe and into endeavour.

Friends are those who remebers the song in your heart and reminds you the lyrics when you forget it.

Dont ever miss such friends.

For all my dear friends