Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Petrol is wasted in many ways in this world. One simple example,
In many house each individual use separate vehicle instead of one common vehicle, most of the times.
Instead of using public vehicle we all use separate vehicle for us all the times.

    So there is large amount on increase in the number of vehicles everyday.

I use a vehicle for my home purposes.That vehicle is used by my family members also. But I have planned to buy a vehicle for me when i start to earn. So I dont think getting a separate vehicle for our own use is unstoppable. But using it occasionally and during only urgent use is reasonable. I do the same almost all my days until now.

What i want to discuss with you all is,
You can see this incident happening in most of the petrol bunks.

We can see that atleast one drop of petrol is being poured near the petrol tank's mouth of our vehicles because of urgency and also more than 2 ml petrol is wasted like this per vehicle during peak(office) hours as there is a long queue of vehicles standing in the petrol bunk.They wants to satisfy all the customers and also we want to be filled it very quick as we are late to the office and other work.
Metric says that 1 drop = 0.05ml(20 drops per millilitre.
Census shows that average petrol consumption is more than 1,000,000

And the number of VEHICLES is you can imagine it. My opinion is atleast near 50% of the total population. Check this site for vehicle population
So petrol wasted is nearly 0.05 * 100000 is 5000 Litres per day. 

Clcik this link to check the average number of vehicles
Now just think if the petrol is wasted for every litre for almost 1crore vehicle for every 5 crore people then each day then the result of petrol wasted is to be taken into mind. These resources are dereasing each and everday. I want all of you to use it in a best way without even wasting a drop. Pkease be sure that you are not urgent and also the workers are not urgent to stop wasting petrol in this way.

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